Access Keys:

Maine Integrated PS, Randalstown
Admissions Application Process for P1 September 2025 is now open
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Vision and Values

Our underlying aim at Maine Integrated Primary School is not only to educate our children to a high standard but to create a safe, secure, inclusive, and caring environment in which all children, and their families, are accepted, respected, valued and celebrated.


We encourage every child to maximise their potential through the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum with a range of activities which are underpinned by a strong pastoral element, reflective of our Christian ethos.


In 2024, all stakeholders of the school (pupils, families, and staff), were consulted on what our Core Values should be.  As a result, all the work that we now do has the following values at its core:


Kindness & Compassion, Happiness, Uniqueness, Responsibility and Achievement


Our staff work hard to ensure that:

  • The children have a happy time at school
  • They learn effectively and reach their potential
  • The individual needs of each child are met
  • Pupils’ uniqueness and individuality is celebrated
  • There is effective, respectful communication between staff and families


We believe that happy children, staff, and families are fundamental to positive learning experiences and a successful school.


Aims and Ethos

The school was founded in the belief that it should be integrated, should welcome parental/family involvement, and should help each child reach their potential within a caring ethos. The aims are:

  • To provide an opportunity for children from different religious, cultural, and social backgrounds to be educated together in an atmosphere where they are all equally valued.
  • To provide a child centred education where the individual needs of the child are catered for in a caring, happy environment and one in which their creativity and uniqueness is encouraged.
  • To ensure that all children will reach their highest personal and academic potential.
  • To give children an understanding of their identity, to begin to appreciate the world and our local community.
  • To develop each child’s understanding of their responsibility in our school community and the wider world.
  • To develop a curriculum which will help the children to explore the world in which they are growing up, and to understand their own place in it.
  • To build links with other schools, and participating in a wide range of sporting, social, cultural and community activities.
  • Encouraging self-discipline and thereby promoting positive attitudes and behaviour
  • To use ICT to support and enhance children’s learning.

Background of Maine Integrated Primary School

Maine Integrated Primary School opened in September 2003 and was the 50th school to join the integrated sector. The school is located in Randalstown, County Antrim, and welcomes children and their families from all backgrounds and offers an environment in which the children can grow and learn together. It is the only planned integrated school in the area and now has a total of 140 pupils with more in the playgroup which runs each day from 9.15am to 11.45am with DENI funded PEAG places.

We are proud to offer wraparound care to support our families.  The school operates an after-school club (Maine Kids Club) between 2pm and 5pm daily.  Breakfast club is available from 7.45am daily.

Located on a 3-acre permanent site, the school completed an £800,000 expansion project in 2015.

The school would not exist without the efforts of the founding parents. We therefore remain keen to ensure that parents feel welcome in the school and are as involved in the education of their children as they can be.

If you would like to find out more or arrange a visit for our school please get in touch and we would be delighted to show your around.